LEAN is slimmed down management and more efficient
production – and first came to the attention of the industry at the turn of the
millennium. CHIRON is also a pioneer in this field and presented a suitable
response from as early as 1996 in the form of the Flexline, the first linked
cell with multiple CHIRON machining centers »in line«. This was innovative
because the machines were fitted with the components in an automated line by a
linear robot.
Over the years, topics like autonomous manufacturing,
increased machine availability and process reliability have become increasingly
important. Customers expect a solution that perfectly matches their machines
and their production technology. And this requires one quality above all –
Even just the name »Flexline« indicates how automation in
the CHIRON Group stands out today – it offers flexibility, and does so many
ways. Firstly, there is flexibility to choose the right solution that optimally
covers criteria such as workpieces, machining times, quantities and the variety
of parts. The various automation solutions for the CHIRON 16 Series illustrate
what this might look like. For example, with the combination of the FZ 16 S
five axis and the VariocellPallet, small batch sizes and complex workpieces can
be machined autonomously and with a high degree of flexibility. However, if a
large number of workpieces need to be manufactured in a highly productive
manner with very short cycle times, the DZ 16 W with a compact VariocellUnois the go-to choice. The autonomous unit, already widely used with the CHIRON
08, 12 and 15 Series machining centers, now brings clear productivity gains
when used in combination with the DZ 16 W. For example, this is the case in the
production of gravity feed spray guns in the United Kingdom and clamping
mechanisms in the south-western German state of Baden-Württemberg. The first
two cells can manufacture with an autonomy of around ten hours.
The huge benefit of having a customized automation solution
can be demonstrated using the example of SW-MOTECH.
Since 2020, the internationally renowned manufacturer of premium motorcycle
accessories has been autonomously
manufacturing around 400 different parts in quantities of between 30 and 200 for
up to eight hours on a FZ 15 S
five axis with a robot and clamping concept that is carefully designed for the
wide variety of parts.
configuration according to a modular concept
In addition to the handling robot and workpiece store, each
VariocellUno automation unit can have additional components added to it based
on the application. For example, the modular system may include multiple
grippers, a station for turning, stations for brushing and deburring, blow off
stations, press-fitting, measuring, cleaning, labeling, vision systems (»bin
picking«) and many other components besides. Moreover, the asymmetrical design
enables additional processes to be integrated into optional spaces in three
sizes, from 150 x 150 x 150 mm to 300 x 300 x 300 mm and 500 x 500 x 500 mm.
VariocellUno options and variants
There are also different variants with an integrated
operating unit available for the workpiece store. All of these variants enable automated
workpiece changes during machine operation and reduce the workload placed on
the operator by time-consuming and arduous secondary activities. For example,
these variants include drawer storage, a conveyor belt or box and pallet
storage. This storage can be designed for standardized and customized transport
and container systems, such as trays, SLCs (small load carriers) and pallet
trucks. The containers reach the unit on the truck and are then progressively
supplied to the manufacturing process via the lift system and the traversing
unit. After successful machining, the robot gripper will place the parts in the
containers, the traversing unit will transport them to the outside and set them
down on the floor roller. If the stack has been processed, the operator can
move the truck away and bring in the next one. Note that it is optional for the
operator to do this because this simple activity can also be performed using a
driverless transport system (DTS), which further increases the autonomy of production.
Thomas Marquardt, Head of Automation at the CHIRON Group, believes that
driverless transport systems are »the logical next step – the further we extend
the scope of automation in a manufacturing solution, the more autonomy there
will be«.